


CONCUSSION IN SPORT Part 1: Let’s get you taking care

The ‘get on with it’ rhetoric and the real effects of concussion

CONCUSSION: The brain basics and what you can expect when getting the right help

At its simplest, the brain is comprised of white matter and grey matter. Each of these has a different density and will move, slowdown or stop, at a different speed...

5 Common Concussion Myths

When talking to people about concussion, what it is and what to do if you suffer one, the answers vary so wildly. This understandably creates more anxiety for people already struggling. So I thought I’d put together a list of some of the most common…

What is Concussion?

In NZ, it is estimated that over 35, 000 concussions occur every year.

Concussion care for New Zealanders

When we are thinking of buying a red car, we see red cars everywhere right? Whilst as a health care professional who has a special interest in the diagnosis, management and treatment of concussion, the almost weekly articles in the press these days,…