Our Services

Our Services

Types of Testing & Assessment

  • Pre-injury / pre-season multi-modal baseline testing (includes physiological & digital neuro-cognitive testing).
  • Post-injury testing & assessment (Includes Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test & Vestibular / Oculo-motor screening)
  • Post-injury treatment
  • Post-injury exercise programmes
  • Return To Play protocols (includes Blackhawk Test - a maximum anaerobic interval workout for elite athletes)
  • Return to Work protocols
  • Lifestyle assessments
  • Telehealth service to diagnose and differentiate the possible cause of symptoms. Treatment plans and care strategy. Connected care is available via our concussion app, providing support in between appointments.
  • Providing assessment & care plan support to other health professionals to help manage their concussion patients, either in-person or via telehealth. 


Types of Care

Compassionate Care

At HeadWise we provide compassionate humanistic care

Often just being listened to, and reassured as to what is happening can begin to ameliorate symptoms in some cases.

As a patient myself, I know the importance of having a practitioner spend the time with me and listen. Nobody likes feeling like they are just a number and people are simply ticking boxes. That will not be people's experience at HeadWise Concussion Clinic!

Empowering Care

At HeadWise we empower people with the information and support they need to play an active role in their own wellness

There are so many things people can do to help themselves following a concussion, and it is important and also empowering for them that they do take an active role in their own journey back to health! Indeed in many instances, particularly when the symptoms have been going on for months, without the patient doing ‘their’ part, progress can be limited.

I have found, that simply by people taking on board the advice we can give by Telehealth, with no other treatment, their concussion symptoms have started to improve. This has happened through the various approaches we can guide people towards to make sure they are doing everything they can do to help themselves.

From the outset provide clear patient education about what is concussion and how we can help and how they can greatly impact their own outcome.

Return to Play protocol (RTP)
With a baseline test that is not more than 1 year old, we are able to assess whether it is safe for the athlete to return to play. This removes the burden of guesswork from the clinician whilst providing clarity and safety for both the athlete and their family.


Timely Care

At HeadWise we provide a responsive and timely approach in order to dramatically improve recovery and outcomes

Holistic Care / Complete Care

At HeadWise we provide a multi team approach - looking at the whole context of the person and their environment, providing wrap-around care

Often people have entirely the wrong idea about what has happened to them and their brain. Education is the first thing that must happen for them to be able to move forwards. Dietary changes, exercise and sleep hygiene are so important, and addressing these alone often create a huge change. Also knowing what they can and can not do is really helpful, as people often want to wrap themselves in cotton wool following the injury, which can create further issues!

Multi team approach

For patients with persistent concussion symptoms this takes a multi team approach by highly experienced practitioners. At the HeadWise Concussion Clinic we have the team in place, offering osteopathy, acupuncture, naturopathy, psychosynthesis counselling as well as specific eye therapy.


Credible Care

At HeadWise we have specialist expertise combined with decades of experience backed up by the latest research and data

I am a clinician with over 25 years of clinical experience and am the only osteopath in New Zealand with this level of post graduate study in concussion. I am the clinical lead and managing director of HeadWise Concussion Clinic, the only clinic in New Zealand that is part of the Complete Concussion Management Inc network.

The clinic has helped tens of thousands of patients over the years. The Complete Concussion Management Inc network has over 200 clinics globally and has the largest global data base of concussion for concussion data. The way we operate, the advice we give, is research backed, best practice, not a ‘hope for the best’ approach!

Extensive post graduate training in paediatric care(founding member of the clinical team providing free care to children at the Osteopathic Children’s Foundation).
